New Doubts Raised About Potential Bee-Killing Pesticide- Imidacloprid

Publish time: 18th March, 2011      Source: CCM
Information collection and data processing:  CCM     For more information, please contact us

      (2011-3-18) In January, 2011, an American researcher voiced doubts about imidacloprid, a controversial new type of pesticide that may be linked to the collapse of honeybee populations in the US. Is there any ground for this? Will this influence the imidacloprid industry?




      Imidacloprid, which was manufactured by Bayer, is embracing a rapid development and becoming a hot spot in China as the largest application amount of neonicotinoid insecticide in the world. What is the overall situation of imidacloprid in China? Where will the industry head? For more detailed and latest primary intelligence, please refer to CCM's newly released report on Imidacloprid --Production and Market of Imidacloprid in China in late March,2011.




      This report, Production and Market of Imidacloprid in China, based on CCM's 3-year research experiences in Chinese imidacloprid industry and its upstream sectors, dives deeply into China's imidacloprid industry from a global perspective to figure out the industry's key characteristics, the latest dynamics and future trends, including the terms of production, R&D, pricing, export situation, trade flow, consumption/demand, production technology, overseas market, key players' competitiveness and production cost, international collaboration, etc.




      The report is very helpful to :


      - Gain an overview on production and consumption and the whole value chain of Imidacloprid


      -Analyze supply and demand and influencing factors


      -Figure out Import & export analysis of imidacloprid


      -Acknowledge situation of imidacloprid substitutes/competitive products in China


      -Forecast on the imidacloprid industry in China, 2011-2015


      -Find proper suppliers, traders of imidacloprid raw materials, intermediates, technical and formulation


      -Help senior executives and decision-makers develop strategy or seek competitor intelligence



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